ACL Injurie from soccer

by Jael

I am 15, and a sophomore in High school.

3 1/2 weeks ago I was playing in a pre-season varsity soccer tournament with my high school team.
I was running after a player with the ball, when me, my team mate, and the girl with the ball all collided. My team mate came from my left side and when we all fell, my knee felt weird, but I got up and walked around and it started to feel better, but then another girl was running down the side with the ball and I ran after her, I had almost caught her when I felt my knee give out and I just collapsed, it hurt really bad for a second then it felt better. My coaches and the trainer ran out and I walked off the field. There trainer looked at it and said that he thought my ACL could be torn, and he said to talk to our trainer when I went to practice. I was out the rest of the game.
The next practice I saw our trainer, and he looked at it, it was really swollen and had little pain.
He talked to his supervisor at a physical therapy place, and made an appointment with him for the next day.
He looked at it and said to make an appointment with a DR. so I saw an orthopedic surgeon, who scheduled me for an MRI.
After the MRI, I had an appointment to see what it said.
When I got there he told me that my ACL was completely torn, and that I had also partially torn my meniscus. That meant surgery if I wanted to play soccer again, and that also meant I was done for the season, I tried not to cry but, that did not work so well!
So now I am doing pre-operative rehab, and I find out when surgery is on Tuesday.
I am trusting God to help me cope, and I have already started to adjust, but I am still really sad about missing my whole season.
I know God has a reason, but I am extremely sad because it was my first year starting varsity.
Please pray for me!

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