acl surgery recovery worried graft failed

by Rory
(South Africa)

hi there , i am 7 months post opp now , i had a double bundle hamstring graft for my acl , there was only acl damage, the meniscus was fine , I've started experiencing a little throbbing in my knee towards the left of my knee cap and my hammy is constantly stiff , been doing lots of pt and training to get it better , but its feeling somewhat lose and unstable now.

? i have friends who can play sports at this stage now... is this just teething or should i be worried , is there anything i can do to check the graft an exercise or something? Something that i should feel or shouldn't feel when running i'm really worried, i'm unable to see my surgeon he is away

ps there was no fall or anything and there is no swelling , there is however a burning feeling over my scar when doing hamstring exercises , the main scar , the big one that they went through

Thanks for the response it is greatly appreciated

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