Knee Cyst Surgery & Calf Pain

by Andres Torres
(Houston, Texa )

I'm 46 years old and and very active soccer player that just had a ganglion cyst removed on the inside of my left knee and removed small tear piece of the meniscal with a lot of fluid. I decided to have the surgery after many months of trying to deal with the pain and frustation of not getting better with rest and taking anti inflamatory drugs like Naproxen. The Naproxen 1000 mg per day is what kept my knee swelling down ,but it was not resolving the problem.

My knee is getting better with rehab exercises ,but my Calf Pain problem continues. I have the calf problem before the surgery and the Naproxen help me maintain a semi activity life style. I stop taking the Naproxen and the pain on my left calf continues and it is my biggest problem to full recovery.

Could this be a circulation issue? or is this related to fluid from the knee that still causing problems?

Please Advise. Thank you

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