Surgery or just therapy? (ACL Tear)

by Cesar
(Berkeley, IL)

Like a month ago I injured my ACL playing basketball. When I hurt my knee i was able to walk without pain. The only problem that i had back then was that i could not bend it backwards. I got an MRI and this is what the impression read:

There is a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament with a large joint effusion. There is a bursitis of the medial colllateral ligament without evidence of any tear. There is a bone marrow edema of the distal lateral femoral condyle and the proximal tibia, both lateral and medially as well as the proximal fibular head. Correlate clinically on plain film studies is advised. There is a nondisplaced tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus suggested.

Its been a month now and I am now able to move it backwards and there is no swelling. To this point I am not walking with any pain and my knee has not given up or buckled yet.

i like to play basketball, jog and weightlift.

I want to know if I am going to need surgery because I feel fine and don't feel any pain right now.

Let me know what you think?

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