Hand and Wrist Injury

Hand and and wrist injury, can prove to complicate athletic participation. The most common wrist and hand injuries are sprains. Wrist sprains, and the "jammed finger". Other injuries including tendonitis and fractures can be suffered during contact sports such as football, and with other upper body activities.

The biggest problem with hand injuries is how simple they seem, and yet how debilitating they can be. This applies to wrist injuries as well. Even minor injuries can become a chronic problem if not taken care of. And there are very few sports that don't require the use of your hands in some way or another.

The most common complaint in the hand and wrist that I see in the clinic is wrist sprains. They are usually caused by falling on the outstretched hand. Below you will find some of the more common wrist and hand injuries.

Wrist Sprain
Injury to the wrist, usually caused by forceful extension or bending.

Boxers Fracture
Fracture of the metacarpal bones in the hand

Navicular Fracture
Fracture of the wrist, just below the thumb.

Jammed Finger
A finger injury, usually involving the knuckles.

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